
Oban Distillery and The McCaig's Tower(18 Sep 2008)

Obanに再びやって来た。前回は1泊しか出来なかったからいろいろとやり残したことがある。美味しいシーフードをもっと食べたい、マル島にも行きたい、Dunollie Castleにも行きたい。
でもObanと言えばやはりこの風景。Oban蒸留所とMcCaig’s Tower。今回は天気がちょっと良くないけど。

I came to Oban again. I stayed just 1 day last time, so I want to do something I wasn’t able to do last time. I want to eat more good local seafood, go to Isle of Mull, go to Dunollie Castle.
And after all, speaking of Oban, this scenery, Oban Distillery and McCaig’s Tower. Weather is not slightly good this time.



Scottish Cuisine(18 Sep 2008)

Obanの滞在中は、美味しいシーフードが食べたい。となるとまず最初はこのレストラン、Waterfront Fishhouse Restaurant。

I want to eat good seafood during a stay of Oban. So I had the first dinner at Waterfront Fishhouse Restaurant, which was my favourite restaurant in Oban.
I tried to eat the dish I was interested in before, mussels. The dish was cooked local mussels with white wine, a garlic and cleam. There were 2 size, 500g for starter and 1kg for main. I ordered small one of course, but it was bigger than I had thought.
Speaking of which, I had watched the scene that someone took a mussel out from a vessel like small bucket in a restaurant. If I ordered the big size, the dish was served by a small bucket?

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