
Cragganmore Distillery(18 Sep 2007)

Cragganmore蒸留所はRiver Spey沿いに隠れるように建っていた。1869年の創業当時、この周辺には200ぐらいの非合法の蒸留所があったらしい。
1863年に開通したStrathspey Railwayの側に建設され、専用の引込線も持っていた。River Speyに沿って走るCragganmoreの樽を運ぶ列車は素晴らしい風景だっただろう。

I entered the sideway at the main road and walked for a while. It should be the shortcut to a Cragganmore Distillery if I went this way. However, I saw nothing… After a while, I watched the thing such as the point of the chimney.
The Cragganmore distillery was built to hide along River Spey. At the time of the establishment of 1869, there seemed to be around 200 illegal distilleries in these outskirts.
It was built near Strathspey Railway opened in 1863 and they had the exclusive lead-in. The train carrying a barrel of Cragganmore single malt whisky running along River Spey would be splendid scenery.



Ruin of Strathspey Railway(18 Sep 2007)

Strathspey Railwayは1863年にAviemore方面とDufftownを結ぶ鉄道としてRiver Spey沿いに開通した。沿線には多くの蒸留所があり、いくつかの蒸留所は専用の支線を持っていた。

Strathspey Railway was opened as train service to link Aviemore area and Dufftown along River Spey in 1863. There were many distilleries along the line, and some distilleries had an exclusive branch line.
Business service became the stop in 1965, but was traveled as freight use (for whisky distilleries mainly) until 1968. A part of railway was repaired by the Speyside Way, and there are something to remind the railway, such as a bridge and station building.


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