Speyside Distillery(16 Sep 2007)
Kinugussieの町から南東へ約4km。River Tromieの辺にあるSpeyside蒸留所は1990年に新設された新しい蒸留所。でもその建物は美しい石造りで古い雰囲気があって、昔の製粉所をイメージしたのか水車まである。地図には”Tromie Mills”とあるから古くは近くに工場があったのかも知れない。
Speyside Distillery lie about 4km south east, beside River Truim, a branch of River Spey. It was build in 1990. However stone buildings have classical atmosphere. There is a water wheel like old mills.
When I took photos of distillery, a deer was standing to wait and saw me at the opposite side of river flowing in the land of distillery. My hometown, Nara is famous for deers of Kasuga Shrine, so I sometimes watch and take photo of deers, but real wild deers are cautious. When I was going to release the shutter, the deer ran away.
River Tromie(16 Sep 2007)
1時間程歩いてようやくRiver Speyの支流、River Tromieを渡る橋に着いた。
River Speyはゆったりとした流れの印象しかなかったけど、この辺の源流部の流れは激しい。スコットランドの自然は厳しい一面を見せる。
さてと蒸留所まではもう少し。雨も少し弱くなってきた・・・と思うのは気のせい? 私もスコットランドの厳しい自然を味わっている。
The rain from morning didn’t seem to stop before noon, so I left B&B in Kingussie for Speyside Distillery with my umbrella.
After walking about 1 hour, I arrived the bridge across the River Tromie, a branch of River Spey.
I got the impression that River Spey flew relaxedly when I visited last time. But the river in this area flows intensely. Nature in Scotland shows severe one side.
Well, It was just an inch to the Speyside Distillery. Rain became weak? No, It’s just my imagination. I was also affected by severe nature in Scotland.