Dalwhinnie Station(15 Sep 2007)
I got on a train from Eginburgh to Kngussie in this tour, and stop by Stop by the distillery in Dalwhinnie.
The way to Dalwhinnie, weather was not good, however sky was slightly clear after arrived at Dalwhinnie Station.
Entrance of the station was on the opposite platform. The route to the opposite platform was only small flyover.
I had to go up the flyover holding a heavy luggage and camela bag, necessarily I had to go back to this platform after visiting the distillery using a small flyover. It was very hard!
When I saw the direction of the distillery involuntarily, a rainbow appeared above the the pagoda roof of distillery appearing to be small.
it was really beautiful but gonna be rain around the distillery?
Dalwhinnie Distillery(15 Sep 2007)
Dalwhinnie蒸留所は駅から少し離れた所、River Speyの支流River Truimの側に建っている。1kmも離れてないけど、重い荷物を引きずって歩くのには少し遠い。
Dalwhinnie Distillery lie about 500m north east, beside River Truim, a branch of River Spey. It is not too far, but pretty hard to walk holding a heavy luggage and camera bag. I arrived about 15 minute walk.
Dalwhinnie Distillery is really beautiful distillery, pagoda roof and huge warm tub are impressive.
I visited the distillery shop to book a distillery tour. At that time, I didn’t remember that I had to go back to the station holding a heavy luggage and camela bag.