
Jura Distillery(20 April 2004)

Isle of Juraで唯一の蒸留所は島の中心地(といってもすごく小さい)、Craighouseの町にある。現在の蒸留所の操業開始は1963年。その地に1810年に建設され、1901年に操業が停止された先代の蒸留所を再建する形で建設された。その地理的条件もあり、1600年代以前から密造は行われていたらしい。

Jura Distillery is only distillery in Isle of Jura, it is in Craighouse, Capital of Jura ( though it is very small town). Current distillery was build on the site of original distillery which was build in 1810 and closed in 1901, and started making whisky in 1963. Probably, there were some illicit distilleries in Isle of Jura and whisky would had been made since 1600s.
Whisky of Jura has mild and light taste, slightly smokey. It is made from mild water in Jura and light peated barley malt, and they use a large pot still. However, it is said that Jura whisky made in 1800s was very smokey and peaty. The whisky which was made by original distillery had been finished to ship all of whisky until 1913.

Isle of Jura蒸留所のウィスキー


Paps of Jura(20 April 2004)

Isle of Juraのシンボルとして有名な2つの山は平坦な地形の多い島ではどこにいてもランドマークになる。その姿はIsle of Islayからも見ることができる。この名前をつけた人はおそらく男性だろうが”母なる大地”をイメージしたと私は思う。いつの時代でもどこの国でも男性にとって母親は偉大な存在なのだろうか。

There are two mountains called “Paps of Jura” in Isle of Jura. They are really famous for “The symbol of Jura”, and you can see them from Isle of Islay.
I think the person who named these mountains would be a man and he would imagine “Mother”.

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