
Caperdonich Distillery (27 Oct 2001)

Caperdonich蒸留所はウィスキーブームの中の1898年、Glen Grantの第2蒸留所として建設された、Rothesで最後に建てられた蒸留所。しかし3年後には早くも操業停止。世の中は一転、ウィスキー不況の時代となっていた。

Caperdonich Distillery was established in 1898, during the whisky boom as the back up distillery of Glen Grant Distillery. But it was mothballed in 3 years already. The whisky boom had finished.
It was restarted in 1965. In 2 years, distillery were extended and added 2 more still.
In 1977, it was acquired by Seagrams and malt whisky is a componet of the Chivas Regal blended whisky.
However, distillery was mothballed in October, 2002. Now it would probably be closed.



Ben Aigan (27 Oct 2001)

Rothesの町はずれにはRiver Spey沿いの平坦な土地を利用した牧草地が広がり、バックに見えるBen Aiganの眺めも美しい。
しかしDufftown周辺にあるConval Hillは標高550m以上、Isle of SkyeのCuillin Hillは約900mもある。そして英国最高峰、Ben Nevisは1343m。未だにBenとHillの境界がわからない。

On the outskirts of Rothes, there is a pasture on the shores of River Spey and you can see the good view of Ben Aigan.
Ben Aigan is 471meters, not high mountain, though it is higher than Wakakusa Mountain in Nara, Japan, which is famous for Yamayaki (Burn Mountain Festival, one of the famous festival in Nara).
“Ben”(Mountain) is higher than “Hill” in Japan. But Conval Hills near Dufftown are more than 550meters and Cuillin Hills in Isle of Skye are about 900meters. Ben Nevis, highest mountain in UK is 1343 meters.
I don’t know what the difference between “Ben” and “Hill” is.

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