Ben Nevis Distillery(7 May 2006)
雨の降る中、20分程歩いてBen Nevis蒸留所に着いた。今日は日曜日なので蒸留所も静かだ。背後にあるBen Nevisも今日は見えない。時折カモメの鳴き声と隣の牧場にいるHighland Cattleの鼻息が聞こえる。
After walking for about 20 minutes from Fort William in the rain, I arrived at Ben Nevis Distillery. It was really silent because of Sunday. I wasn’t able to see Ben Nevis behind the distillery. Sometimes I heard a call of seagull and a snort of Highland Cattle at a farm next to the distillery.
I waited until rain got weak, and started to take photographs for the distillery. The distillery in cloudy weather was not so bad. After that I left Ben Nevis Distillery with a hope of fine weather tomorrow.
Ben Nevis(8 May 2006)
スコットランド最高峰のBen NevisはFort Williamから近く、登山対象の山としてはあまり高くないために年間多くの人々が訪れる。しかし高くないと言っても1344m、侮ることはできない。一般的なルートで4~5時間の行程だけど、とても準備なしでは登ることは無理だろう。私にとってBen Nevisは遠くから見ているほうがいい。
The highest mountain in Scotland, Ben Nevis is close to Fort William and modest height as a mountain for climbers, so many walkers climb Ben Nevis every year. However, don’t make light of Ben Nevis, it’s 1344m height. It takes for about 4 or 5 hours up on the route for ordinary walkers, but it would be impossible without a preparation for climbing. For me, I had better see Ben Nevis with a glass of Ben Nevis malt whisky.