• タグ別アーカイブ: West Brewery
  • Elgin(11)

    Town Centre of Elgin(22 Sep 2007)

    町の中心広場にある大きな教会、St Giles’ Churchは1224年に創設された歴史のある教会で現在の建物は1826年に建てられた。他にも古い教会がいくつか残っている。
    歴史を感じさせる町を散策し、疲れたらパブで休憩。Gordon & MacPhailのショップでお土産探しと酒飲みには最適な町だった。

    Elgin is one of the oldest Royal Burgh in Scotland, probably existed in early of 11 century. Scottish King, David 1st chartered as a Royal Burgh in 1136. Elgin would be a capital in this area at that time. A lot of old buildings still stay in the town.
    There is the big church, St Giles’ Church in Elgin Town Centre. It was established in 1224, they has a long history. Current buildings were rebuild in 1826, and other some old churches are in the town.
    I took a walk in the historical town and had a break in a pub when I tired. And I enjoyed shopping to look for souvenir at Gordon & MacPhail shop.
    Elgin is one of the best town for drinker!

    Gordon & MacPhail のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 503

  • Elgin(1)

    Glen Moray Distillery(31 Oct 2001)

    Elginの西、River LossieのほとりにあるGlen Moray蒸留所は1897年、West Breweryと呼ばれるビール醸造所(1815年創業)を改造して造られた。ビール醸造所が出来る前は処刑場があり、1962年の改築時に工事現場から人骨が出てきたという。しかしウィスキーブームが終わりに近づいた1906年頃に操業が停止された。1920年に現在の所有者、Macdonald & Muir社(現在のGlenmorangie社)によって買収され、操業が再開された。
    土地が低いために2002年11 月にはRiver Lossieの氾濫により、蒸留所が水浸しになり、一時操業停止に追い込まれた。

    Glen Moray Distillery, which lies west of Elgin, by River Lossie, was established in 1897. It was converted from a old brewery called West Brewery, which was build in 1815, to a distillery. Before the brewery was build, it was a place of execution. When the distillery was rebuild in 1962, human bone was found in the land of distillery.
    Glen Moray Distillery was mothballed in 1906 when the whisky boom was over. And then, it was acquired by Macdonald & Muir (latest Glenmorangie) and restarted. In 1958, the distillery was extended, two pot stills was added, and changed the method of making barley malt. they quited a floor malting and innovated a saladin malting for next twenty years. Now, they buy light peated malt from maltsters.
    Glen Moray Distillery is in the site of low land near a river, so it was flooded and interrupted a operation because of flooding the River Lossie in Norvember 2002.

    Glen Moray蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 503