• タグ別アーカイブ: Tbermory Bay
  • Tobermory(3)

    Where is a Treasure?(19 Sep 2008)

    Scenery of Tobermory

    1788年に英国の漁業協会(British Fisheries Society)によって漁港として創設されたトバモリー。しかしそれ以前から停泊地に適した地形で船の停泊地として使用されていたと思われる。

    Tobermory was founded in 1788 by British Fisheries Society. However, Tbermory Bay is a superb natural harbour, so it would be used as a anchorage of the ship before founded.
    A Spanish galleon ,which was a member of Spanish Armada and laden with gold, sank in Tobermory Bay by fire when Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588. It was investigated, but have not found.
    Treasure would lie somewhere at the bottom of Tobermory Bay?



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 687