Strathisla Distillery(26 Oct 2001)
Strathisla蒸留所の創業は1786年。18世紀半ばから発展してきた”New Town”と呼ばれるRiver Islaの東側の外れに建設された。現存するスペイサイドの蒸留所の中で最も古い。当初はMilltownまたはMiltonと呼ばれていた。これはKeithが当時、工場の町として発展していたのでそこから来ているのだろう。Alfred Barnardの著書ではMilton Distilleryと記述している。彼が訪れた19世紀末は当時としては近代的な蒸留所だった。でもその当時の様子を描いたイラストに、美しいキルンは無い。
Strathisla Distillery was established in 1786. It lies north east side of River Isla. And also it is known as the oldest distillery in Speyside.
When distillery was established, it was called “Milltown” or “Milton”. Because there were a lot of mills in Keith, they were main industries of Keith. Alfred Barnard described as “Milton Distillery” in his book. When he visited Milton Distillery, it was one of the modern distillery at that time. However they didn’t have a beautiful kiln in the illustration of distillery.
Distilleries vary the name and their style across the ages.
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Strathisla Distillery(26 Oct 2001)
人生初蒸留所はStrathisla Distillery。その美しいキルンを見たいと思い、Keithを目指した。でも初めての海外旅行、英語はまったく出来ない、テロの後と最悪の状況で非常にナーバスになっていた私をKeithの人々は暖かく迎えてくれた。Scotlandにハマッたのはこの時だと思う。
The distillery I visited first tiime was Strathisla Distillery. I wanted to see the beautiful malt kiln. However, it was my first trip to go abroad, I couldn’t speak English, and it was after the 11th September. It was very bad time and I was really nervous.
However, the people in Keith was really friendly for me and I enjoyed staying in Keith. I have been enthusiastic about Scotland since I stayed in Keith.