• タグ別アーカイブ: River Brora
  • Brora(3)

    Brora Distillery (7 May 2003)


    The buildings of Brora Distillery, which weren’t used except warehouses, were damaged badly. Just as if the malt kiln claimed that this is distillery!
    A thing with a figure will be lost someday, but we understand that it is really important when we lost it.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 218

  • Brora(2)

    Clynelish Distillery(7 May 2003)


    Clynelish Distillery was established in 1819. It’s one of the oldest distilleries in Scotland. However, equipments of making whisky called Clynelish has been used since 1969. It’s a modern and large productive capacity. Clynelish is one of the main distilleries of United Distilleies, and original Clynelish was named Brora.
    Material of making whisky for Brora and Clynelish would be same, but equipments are different. Most people thought that taste of Clynelish would change and new Clynelish wouldn’t be a good whisky. However, Clynelish has been one of the best malt whisky of Northern Highland, simultaneously Brora, which have stoped making whisky since 1983, would certainly be rare whisky.
    I often drink Clynelish and Brora, those are my favorite malt whisky, although I don’t have a word “hate whisky” in my vocabulary.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 218

  • Brora(1)

    Brora Distillery(7 May 2003)

    スコットランドの北ハイランド地方には個性的な蒸留所が多く存在する、個人的にも好きな地域。その中でもお気に入りは Clynelish、そしてBrora。操業再開をかすかに期待してBrora蒸留所を訪れたのだが・・・二度と火は入らないだろうと確信するだけに終わった。それならば自分にできることは今ある姿を精一杯撮るしかない。空を見上げれば私の気持ちを察するかのような曇り空だった。

    There are some unique distilleries in the north of Highland, Scotland. Malt whisky of Northern Highland is my favorite. Especially, I love Clynelish and Brora. I went to Brora Distillery with a little expectation of reopen. But I understood that it wouldn’t start making whisky again. Things I can do was nothing except taking photographs. Sky was so cloudy as if it was expressed a state of mind.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 218