• タグ別アーカイブ: Perth
  • Perth(2)

    Millton Perth Distillery? (18 Sep 2005)

    スコットランドの町では必ずTourist Informationへ立ち寄る。Ordnance Surveyの地図で場所を確かめ、Tourist Informationへ向かった。が、そこには無かった。地図の改訂は数年に1度なのでこういうことはよくある。主要道路には案内板が出ているのでそれを頼りに歩いていくと、そこにはまるで蒸留所のような建物があった。”TI”の看板があるので間違いはない。

    When I stay in the town of Scotland, I always go to Tourist Information. Because I can get a street map, a latest time table and some souvenirs. I checked the point of Tourist Information in Perth on the map of Ordnance Survey, then I went to the Tourist Information. But it was nothing.
    “Don’t worry!”
    Usually, there is a direction board on the main street. When I arrived a Tourist Information, I watched a interesting building. It was like a distillery. There was the sign of “TI”, so I didn’t make a mistake.
    I asked to the staff of Tourist Information. According to him, it was a building of old mill.
    When I find a building which is like a malt kiln, I feel that I find a treasure.


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 226

  • Perth(1)

    Old Capital Of Scotland (17 Sep 2005)

    Perthの歴史は古く、1世紀頃までさかのぼる。現在の町は12世紀に当時の王、David1世の命により造られた。同じ頃にRiver Tayを渡る最初の橋が建築され、交通の要所になった。

    The start of Perth dates back to about 1st Century. The present town was started in 12th Century by King David 1st. And the first bridge across the River Tay was build at the same time. Perth was one of the most important town.
    Perth was also the capital of Scotland between 13th and 15th. If it says in Japan, it will be a town like Kyoto or Nara.


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 226