• タグ別アーカイブ: Longmorn Distillery
  • Elgin(8)

    Longmorn Distillery(21 Sep 2007)

    Longmorn蒸留所は1894年にGlenlossie蒸留所の所有者John Duffによって19世紀末のウィスキーブームの間に建設された。しかしウィスキーブームは終焉を迎え、John Duffは破産。1909年に新しい所有者によって操業が再開された。
    1970年にGlenlivet蒸留所、Glen Grant蒸留所と合併し、1978年にシーバスブラザーズ社の蒸留所となった。

    Longmorn Distillery was built by John Duff who was a owner of the Glenlossie Distillery, in 1894 during the Whisky Boom in the end of 19th. However, the Whisky Boom had finished and John Duff went bankrupt. the distillery was restarted making whisky by a new owner in 1909.
    Longmorn Distillery merged with Glenlivet Distillery and Glen Grant Distillery in 1970, and those became a part of Chivas Brothers in 1978.
    There had been wash stills heated by coal until 1994, those have converted heating by steam now.
    One of my favorite whisky is distilleries bottling Longmorn 15 years old released before, but I don’t almost watch it these days.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 491