The Trace of Scotland (28 Apr 2004)
スコットランドで捕らえられ、ロンドンに連行されたWilliam Wallaceはロンドン塔に収監された。そして形式だけの裁判を受け、四つ裂きの刑と決まった。その後、London市内を引き回された後、公開処刑場で処刑された。
現在その場所は病院(St. Bartholomew’s Hospital)になっている。
William Wallace was taken to London and imprisoned in London Tower. Then, he was judged by English. His judge was He was hanged, drawn and quartered.
After a trial, William Wallace was dragged around London, and he was beheaded and cut into four parts.
At that time, executing was opened to the public. It was a kind of show. For English, execution of traitor would be very interesting.
Now, there is St. Bartholomew’s Hospital on the place of execution for William Wallace.
- タグ別アーカイブ: London