Isle of Skye Brewery(10 May 2006)
日本でもお馴染みのBlack Cuillinを生産するIsle of Skye BreweryはUigの港のすぐ側にある。1995年から試験的に操業を開始して1998年からは本格的に稼働を始めた。現在は数種類のリアルエールとボトルエールを中心に季節限定品や地元のパブからの注文を受けてハウスエールを生産している。
Isle of Skye Brewery is near the pier of Uig. They started brewing tentatively in 1995, and have produced in earnest since 1998. Now, they make some kind of bottle ale, cask ale, seasonal cask ale, and house ale for pubs.
When I visited Isle of Skye Brewery, they were closed for visitors because of maintenance. So I just bought some souvenires at their shop, though I wanted to drink a fresh ale from a tank.
- タグ別アーカイブ: Isle of Skye Brewery