• タグ別アーカイブ: Isle of Arran
  • Lochranza(2)

    Lochranza Castle(17 Sep 2008)


    I rode on the ferry which finally returned, I left for Isle of Arran. I couldn’t control my impatience on the ferry, and I saw a town before long, Lochranza Castle which was drawn on the whiskey label saw too.
    Lozhranza Castle was originally built in 13th century by the lord. And then it was rebuilt several times as times change. The castle was used until the end of the 18th century and was abandoned.
    If I had enough time staying in island, I was able to visit. But it was impossible, I took a photo only.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 641

  • Claonaig(1)

    Ferry! Come Ba—–ck!(17 Sep 2008)



    It took about 1hour from Campbeltowng by bus, I arrived at Kennacraig. I was going to change to the bus which went to Claonaig, east side of Kintyre peninsula. However, the bus didn’t come on time.
    Eventually, the bus was coming about 10 minutes late. I really got antsy if I would be able to get on the ferry to Isle of Arran.
    The road to Claonaig was very narrow and when the bus passed cars on the opposite lane each other, the bus stopped. So I was irritated.
    When the bus arrived at Claonaig at last, the ferry which I was supposed to get on had already left a port. I thought there was no waiting to connect between the bus and the ferry in Scotland. Furthermore, the necessary time from Kennacraig to Claonaig was 15 minutes on timetable, but I thought it was impossible even if a car on the opposite lane was nothing.
    The way to Isle of Alan was very hard.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 641

  • Lochranza(1)

    Isle of Arran Distillery(17 Sep 2008)


    Isle of Arran was originally a prosperous place producing whisky, It is said that there were three legal distilleries and about 50 illicit distilleries on Isle of Arran in the end of 18th. Producing whisky was a major industry.
    However, illicit distilleries disappeared because of the change in the law in 1823, and legal distilleries which survived on island found themselves unable to compete with distilleries in Mainland of Scotland because of spending the high transport costs in island. Whisky had not been produced in island since the last distillery, which was in Lagg, south of island, was closed in 1836.
    In 1995, for the first time in 160 years, Isle of Arran Distillery was build near Lochranza in the north of island. A building design is beautiful like a malt kiln with a pagoda roof. They are perfect match with the scenery of Isle of Arran.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 641