Mortlach Distillery(20 Sep 2007)
Dufftown, the capital of whisky. There are 6 distilleries, 3 lost distilleries. Mortlach Distillery is the oldest distillery in Dufftown, established in 1823. There are old buildings, include 2 kilns with pagoda roof.
Tourists of the whisky enthusiast would be interested in Mortlach Distillery. However, they do not admit the entrance of the visitor. Though I think that many visitors would come to distillery same as some Japanese whisky distilleries if they have facilities for visitors.
When I visited such a distillery I reminded greatness of Shinjiro Torii, founder of Suntory Whisky. I wanted to go to Yamazaki Distillery after I go back to Japan.
- タグ別アーカイブ: Harry Potter
The Way to Hogwarts(8 May 2006)
英国は世界で最初に鉄道が開通した国として知られている。そして現在英国で最も有名な鉄道はWest-Highland Railwayだろう。Fort William~Mallaig間の山間部をゆっくりと走る列車は日に3本程しか運行されないローカル線だけど6~10月の観光シーズンにThe Jacobite Steam Trainという蒸気機関車が運行される。これがHogwarts ExpressとしてHarry Potterの撮影に使用されている。
最大の見せ場は何と言ってもGlenfinnan Bridge。2作目の”秘密の部屋”ではHarryとRonの乗った自動車が追いかけられるシーンが印象的。この橋を通る時、カメラを手にしない乗客はいなかった。
UK is known as a first country which started to operate a railway. And now, I think the most famous rail way would be West-Highland railway in UK. It’s a local line, there are about 3 trains a day and runs slowly in the mountains between Fort William and Mallaig. However, The Jacobite Steam Train is run during summer tourist season, June to October. That train is used in the movie “Harry Potter” as the Hogwarts Express.
The climax of this railway is Glenfinnan Bridge. The scene of second Harry Potter movie, “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret “, which the car Harry and Ron rode was chased by Hogwarts Express on the bridge, is really impressive.
When a train went through the bridge, most passengers took a camera.