• タグ別アーカイブ: Glen Mhor Distillery
  • Inverness(1)

    Millburn Distillery(11 May 2003)

    Invernessにはかつて3つの蒸留所(Glen Albyn, Glen Mhor, Millburn)があったが1980年代のウィスキー不況は乗り切れずすべて閉鎖されてしまった。

    There were 3 distilleies, Glen Albyn, Glen Mhor, and Millburn in Inverness. However, all of them couldn’t get over the difficulty of depression of whisky in 1980’s, and they were closed.
    Millburn Distillery was established in 1807, it was the oldest distillery in Inverness. But some owners took over the distillery between the end of 19th and the first of 20th. Finally DCL took over in 1937 and had been operated until 1985, when the distillery was closed.
    Some buildings are used as a restaurant. But malt kiln were demolished, so people wouldn’t know that it was distillery. It’s understandable that UDV closed Millburn Distillery, because it was on the small site and expansion was not possible. I think it’s really difficult to operate distilleries in a city.


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 250