Caperdonich Distillery (27 Oct 2001)
Caperdonich蒸留所はウィスキーブームの中の1898年、Glen Grantの第2蒸留所として建設された、Rothesで最後に建てられた蒸留所。しかし3年後には早くも操業停止。世の中は一転、ウィスキー不況の時代となっていた。
Caperdonich Distillery was established in 1898, during the whisky boom as the back up distillery of Glen Grant Distillery. But it was mothballed in 3 years already. The whisky boom had finished.
It was restarted in 1965. In 2 years, distillery were extended and added 2 more still.
In 1977, it was acquired by Seagrams and malt whisky is a componet of the Chivas Regal blended whisky.
However, distillery was mothballed in October, 2002. Now it would probably be closed.
- タグ別アーカイブ: Lost Distillery
Port Charlotte(2)
Octmore Farm(24 April 2004)
Octmore蒸留所はPort Charlotteの背後の丘に古くからあったOctmore Farmに1816年に造られた蒸留所で60ガロンのポットスティル1基だけの非常に小規模な蒸留所だった。1840年頃には早くも操業停止に追い込まれ、そのまま閉鎖された。
いつものようにバスで蒸留所巡りをしていた私はBruichladdich蒸留所のShopで思いのほか時間を費やし、気がつけば次の目的地、Port Charlotteへ向かうバスの時間まであと1分になっていた。あわてて蒸留所の前にあるバス停まで行き、周りを見渡すとバスはいない。どうやら間に合ったと思ったが、それから待つこと20分・・・ようやくバスに乗り遅れた事を理解した。
重い足取りでPort Charlotte方面へ歩いていると、車で蒸留所スタッフが通りかかった。
“Port Charlotteへ行くけど乗る?”
との有難い申し出に迷うことなくYesと答えてご好意に甘える。Loch Indaal蒸留所の建物を撮りたかったので場所を聞くとそこまで連れて行ってくれ、さらにOctmore蒸留所の場所も教えてくれた。私は親切なScotlandの人々のおかげで旅ができる。
Octmore Distillery was build in 1814 at Octmore Farm, which was on the hill behind Port Charllote. It was a very small distillery, they had only one small pot still of 60 gallons. It was stoped making whisky around 1840, and then closed.
I spent for a long time at shop in Bruichladdich Distillery. The bus to Port Charlotte was in 1 minute. I went to the bus stop in fromt of distillery in a hurry. I thought I was able to catch the bus, because I didin’t saw any bus.
20 minutes later, I understood that I missed to catch the bus. I had to walk about 3km.
I started to walk but I was pretty depressed. A few minute later, the car stopped at my side. The staff of Bruichladdich Distillery was going to Port Charlotte.
“Where are you going? Take my car!”
He took me to Port Charlotte, in front of warehouse of Loch Indaal Distillery and he gave me some information about Octmore Distillery.
Scottish people often help me during my stay in Scotland. I always appreciate their kindness.
Stromness Harbour(6 May 2003)
Stromness lies the south western of Orkney Mainland, and second important port in Orkney. It have prospered as a good natural port long time ago. There is the ferry to Scrabster in Britain Mainland.
The name Stromness comes from the Norse “Straumtnes”. There are a lot of place name that comes from Norse word in Northern Scotland. Probably, Stromness was used by the Picts before the Vikings arrived. It was called “Strumnay” by the 1300s, and the first record “Stromness” was in 1544.
Stromness grew up as a base of fishing from late of the 1700s. From the 1770s whaling fleets to go to Greenland began to hire crew and supply. Orkadian had a great skill of controlling a ship. The relation of Stromness and industly of whaling had kept until the 1900s.
During the herring boom of the late 19th century, the catch of herring was best in Northern Scotland. There were more than 400 fishing boats in haurber and population of Stromness were up to three times. At that time, there were 4 Inn, more than 30 pubs, 3 schools and 3 banks in the small town.
Millburn Distillery(11 May 2003)
Invernessにはかつて3つの蒸留所(Glen Albyn, Glen Mhor, Millburn)があったが1980年代のウィスキー不況は乗り切れずすべて閉鎖されてしまった。
There were 3 distilleies, Glen Albyn, Glen Mhor, and Millburn in Inverness. However, all of them couldn’t get over the difficulty of depression of whisky in 1980’s, and they were closed.
Millburn Distillery was established in 1807, it was the oldest distillery in Inverness. But some owners took over the distillery between the end of 19th and the first of 20th. Finally DCL took over in 1937 and had been operated until 1985, when the distillery was closed.
Some buildings are used as a restaurant. But malt kiln were demolished, so people wouldn’t know that it was distillery. It’s understandable that UDV closed Millburn Distillery, because it was on the small site and expansion was not possible. I think it’s really difficult to operate distilleries in a city.
Port Charlotte(1)
Bruichladdich Distillery(24 April 2004)
Bruichladdich蒸留所はPort Charlotteから北東に2km程のところにある。ちょうどLoch IndaalをはさんでBowmoreの町の対岸にあり、美しいLochの眺めの向こうにはBowmore蒸留所が見える。創業は1881年でIslay では2番目に新しい。1995年に当時の所有者であったWhyte & Mackay社が操業を停止したが2000年に元Bowmore蒸留所のJim McEwan氏と瓶詰め業者であるMurray McDavid社が買収し、Bruichladdich Distillery社として操業が再開された。2003年には小規模ではあるがIslayで初めての瓶詰め施設が完成した。
伝統的なピート香の強くないモルトウィスキーをメインに、古い蒸留所の名をつけられた、ピート香の強いモルトウィスキー2種類の生産が開始されている。Port Charlotte、Octmoreと名付けられたこれらのモルトはPort Charlotteの町に残っているLoch Indaal蒸留所のウェアハウスで熟成されている。
Bruichladdich Distillery lie n north east of Port Charlotte. Just there on the opposite shore of Bowmore of town across the Loch Indaal. See the Bowmore distillery on the other side of the beautiful Loch view.
It was established in 1881, the second newest distillery in Isle of Islay.
Bruichladdich was mothballed in 1995 by Whyte & Mackay Co. Ltd. After that, Mr. Jim McEwan and Murray McDavid, independent Bottler, took over and restart to produce whisky. In 2003, they finished to build the bottling line, the first bottling equipment in Isle of Islay though it is a very small.
They produce not strong peat and smoking flavor malt whisky, it is their traditional style, and two types of strong peat flavor malt whisky, called Port Charlotte and Octmore. Those are aged in warehouse, remain of Loch Indaal distillery in the town of Port Charlotte.