• Keith(2)

    Glen Keith Distillery(26 Oct 2001)

    Strathisla蒸留所の第二蒸留所として1957年に建てられたGlen Keith蒸留所はStrathisla蒸留所の裏手側にある。Strathislaの弟分とはいえ、仕込水の取得先が違うのでウィスキー的には全く関係のない蒸留所のような気がする。
    Glen Keithの写真を撮っていると近くに住んでいると思われるおじいさんが声をかけてきた。

    Glen Keith Distillery was built in 1957 as the second distillery of Strathisla Distillery. But I think two distilleries are perfectly different because of difference of water source.
    When I took photographs for Glen Keith Distillery, the old man (probably he was neighbour of distillery) said something.
    “There is a big distillery over there!”
    I think Scottish is very friendly for visitor.

    Glen Kerth蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 240

  • Port Charlotte(2)

    Octmore Farm(24 April 2004)

    Octmore蒸留所はPort Charlotteの背後の丘に古くからあったOctmore Farmに1816年に造られた蒸留所で60ガロンのポットスティル1基だけの非常に小規模な蒸留所だった。1840年頃には早くも操業停止に追い込まれ、そのまま閉鎖された。
    いつものようにバスで蒸留所巡りをしていた私はBruichladdich蒸留所のShopで思いのほか時間を費やし、気がつけば次の目的地、Port Charlotteへ向かうバスの時間まであと1分になっていた。あわてて蒸留所の前にあるバス停まで行き、周りを見渡すとバスはいない。どうやら間に合ったと思ったが、それから待つこと20分・・・ようやくバスに乗り遅れた事を理解した。
    重い足取りでPort Charlotte方面へ歩いていると、車で蒸留所スタッフが通りかかった。
    “Port Charlotteへ行くけど乗る?”
    との有難い申し出に迷うことなくYesと答えてご好意に甘える。Loch Indaal蒸留所の建物を撮りたかったので場所を聞くとそこまで連れて行ってくれ、さらにOctmore蒸留所の場所も教えてくれた。私は親切なScotlandの人々のおかげで旅ができる。

    Octmore Distillery was build in 1814 at Octmore Farm, which was on the hill behind Port Charllote. It was a very small distillery, they had only one small pot still of 60 gallons. It was stoped making whisky around 1840, and then closed.
    I spent for a long time at shop in Bruichladdich Distillery. The bus to Port Charlotte was in 1 minute. I went to the bus stop in fromt of distillery in a hurry. I thought I was able to catch the bus, because I didin’t saw any bus.
    20 minutes later, I understood that I missed to catch the bus. I had to walk about 3km.
    I started to walk but I was pretty depressed. A few minute later, the car stopped at my side. The staff of Bruichladdich Distillery was going to Port Charlotte.
    “Where are you going? Take my car!”
    He took me to Port Charlotte, in front of warehouse of Loch Indaal Distillery and he gave me some information about Octmore Distillery.
    Scottish people often help me during my stay in Scotland. I always appreciate their kindness.


    ポート シャロッテのお勧め

    続きを読む 投稿 ID 240

  • Bowmore(2)

    Bowmore Distillery(22 April 2004)

    スコットランドの蒸留所で最も印象的な建物はモルトキルン。現在よく見られる形状のものは19世紀末に建築家、Charles Doigによってデザインされた。

    I think the most impressive and symbolic building of distilleries in Scotland is malt kiln. It was build on Dailuaine Distillery at first by Charles Doig in 1889, and he also designed a lot of kiln in Scotland in the end of 19th.
    Malt kiln was important building to dry barley malt, but now most distilleries don’t make barley malt by themselves. So malt kiln is demolished or reconstructed for visitor centre or shop.
    Bowmore Distillery is one of the distilleries which make barley malt by floor malting. The shape of pagoda roof is really unique.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 240

  • Craighouse(2)

    Jura Distillery(20 April 2004)

    そしてお酒の神様は素晴らしい出会いを私に与えてくれた。先日、私のブログについて書かれてある海外のブログ記事を見つけた。それによると我々は2004年のIsle of Islay滞在時期が一緒でスコットランドで出会っている可能性がある。

    For me, the pleasure of Scotland tour is “Encounter”. Good whisky, good local food, good scenery, and most important for me is people. When I went to Scotland first time in 2001, my purpose of tour was visiting distilleries and drinking whisky. Now, all kinds of “Encounter” are precious memories and experiences. However, when I get the chance to drink some whisky at the warehouse of distillery, I think it is the best pleasure for whisky drinker.
    And the God of whisky gave me a great “Encounter”. The other day, I found the article of blog about my blog. According to the article, the writer and I stayed in Isle of Islay on Apr 2004, and we might have met somewhere in Isle of Islay.

    Isle of Jura蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 240

  • Ardbeg(1)

    Ardbeg Distillery(23 April 2004)

    Islayの中でもひときわスモーキーフレーバーが強いと言われるArdbeg。その創業は1815年となっているけど1794年にこの地でウィスキーを造っていたという記録も残っている。創業者の一族、MacDougall家が1977年まで運営を行ってきたがHiram Walker社が買収し、直後の1980年から1989年まで操業を停止していた。1989年から1996年までAllied Distillers社が不定期にウィスキー造りを行った。この頃は完全にフロアモルティングを止め、Port Ellenからヘビーピートタイプの麦芽を購入していた。

    Ardbeg has a strong peat and smokey flavor. It is said that Ardbeg is the most smokey and peaty whisky. It was legally established in 1815 by John MacDougall, but there was the record which was made whisky around Ardbeg in 1794. MacDougalls had operated Ardbeg Distillery until 1977. Hiram Walker acquired in 1977 and distillery was mothballed from 1980 to 1989. Ardbeg Distillery was taken over by Allied Distillers and they operated and made whsky irregularity from 1989 to 1996. Floor malting didin’t work and they bought strong peated malt from Port Ellen Malting at that time.
    In 1997, Glenmorangie acquired Ardbeg Distillery and restarted making whisky. In 1998, repair of malt kiln had started. People expected restart of floor malting. But it was a rebuild of distillery shop and cafe. Floor malting won’t be restarted.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 240