• タグ別アーカイブ: Campbeltown
  • Campbeltown(4)

    Springside Distillery(26 April 2004)

    The Warehouse of Springside Distillery

    Springside蒸留所は1830年に町の中心地に近いBurnside Street沿いに建てられた。小規模な蒸留所が多いCampbeltownの蒸留所の中でも一番小さかった。

    Springside Distillery was built at the side of Burnside Street close to the town centre in 1830. It was the smallest of the distilleries in Campbeltown.
    However, it was favorable and founder family, Colvills owned and operated. But as well as other distilleries in Campbeltown, it was closed in 1926, during the recession of whisky industry.
    Buildings of the distillery were vacant for a long time, Co-operative Sosiety in Campbeltown applied for permission to convert the buildings to stables and store.
    Today site is an electric power company and only one warehouse of distillery still stands.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Campbeltown(3)

    Glengyle Distillery(26 April 2004)

    Glengyle Distillery

    Glengyle蒸留所は1873年に建設された、Campbeltownとしては3番目に新しい蒸留所。19世紀末に訪れたAlfred Barnardは、Glengyle蒸留所を小さくまとまった蒸留所と表現している。当時としては近代的な設備だったのだろう。

    Glengyle distilery was built in 1873, it was the third-last distillery. Alfred Barnard described it as neat and compact when he visited distillery in end of 19th century. It would be a modern facility for the time.
    However, Glengyle distillery was not able to survive the early 20th century in the darkest periods, like many of the distilleries in Scotland. The owner changed in 1919, and closed in 1925. 22,500gallon of whisky in warehouses, include another distillery, Dalaruan which was closed same time, was sold at auction on 8 April 1925.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Campbeltown(2)

    Glen Scotia Distillery(26 April 2004)

    Campbeltownに着いてさっそく町歩きを始めたが、あまりにも活気のない町並みに驚いた。いくら日曜日とはいえ、ウィスキーの町として栄えた頃の雰囲気は少しも残っていないのだろうか。Glen Scotia蒸留所の前を通ると、とても操業している蒸留所とは思えなかった。

    Glen Scotia蒸留所のウィスキー


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697

  • Campbeltown(1)

    Springbank Distillery(26 April 2004)


    Campbeltown was called as the Whiskyopolis in the latter half of the 19th century, there were more than 20 distilleries in town. However, Canpbeltown have only 3 distilleries. Meanwhile, Springbank Distillery has operated since 1828. it would not too much to say that Springbank Distillery is expected by all of the town. Eventually, I think that only the thing which did not lose sight of oneself and didn’t go out of date would be able to survive.
    The process of making whisky in Springbank Distillery is traditional. They continue to protect the traditional technique even if they don’t install computer systems. Only one thing I can do to support the distillery preserving the tradition of Campbeltown is drinking much Springbank single malt whisky.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 697