• カテゴリー別アーカイブ Western Isles
  • Tobermory(1)

    Tobermory Distillery(19 Sep 2008)

    Tobermory Distillery


    It took about 40 minutes by bus from Craignure to Tobermory. Tobermory Distillery was very close to Tobermory bus stop. It was one of the oldest distillery in Scotland, established in 1798, and only whisky distillery in Isle of Mull.
    I went to visiter cntre of Tobermory Distillery immediately, however, unfortunately there was no distillery tour today because of maintenance.
    This trip was not blessed with luck with weather either. But that meant I had a enough time to take photographs.


    続きを読む 投稿 ID 630

  • Lochranza(1)

    Isle of Arran Distillery(17 Sep 2008)


    Isle of Arran was originally a prosperous place producing whisky, It is said that there were three legal distilleries and about 50 illicit distilleries on Isle of Arran in the end of 18th. Producing whisky was a major industry.
    However, illicit distilleries disappeared because of the change in the law in 1823, and legal distilleries which survived on island found themselves unable to compete with distilleries in Mainland of Scotland because of spending the high transport costs in island. Whisky had not been produced in island since the last distillery, which was in Lagg, south of island, was closed in 1836.
    In 1995, for the first time in 160 years, Isle of Arran Distillery was build near Lochranza in the north of island. A building design is beautiful like a malt kiln with a pagoda roof. They are perfect match with the scenery of Isle of Arran.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 630

  • Craignure(1)

    Duart Castle(6 May 2006)

    Duart Castle

    Isle of Mullの東端、岬の高台に位置するDuart Castleは島を訪れる旅人にその姿を印象付ける。Scotland西部の最も重要な海上交通の要所を支配下に置くことが出来る場所にあるので古くから防御拠点として要塞化されていただろうことは容易に想像できる。
    9世紀頃のヴァイキング来襲の頃から要塞化されていたと言われている。最初に城壁が築かれたのは13世紀頃のClan Mackinnonが所有した頃らしい。その後1600年代中期頃までMackinnon家の居城として使用されていた。
    現在は旅行者が訪れるTea RoomやShopがあり、西海岸の主要観光スポットとなっている。HPによると宿泊施設や結婚式ができるプランもある。

    Perched on top of a rocky outcrop at the end of a peninsula near the easternmost corner of Mull, Duart Castle is one of the most impressive castle in Scotland. It stands guard over one of the most important marine crossroads in western Scotland, so it’s easy to imagine that the place has probably been fortified from very early time.
    The place would be a very importand spot to defence against the Viking Attack in 9th. The first stone walls to appear here did so in the mid 1200s, at which time Duart Castle was part of the lands to own by The Clan Mackinnon. After that they had owned the castle until mid of 1600s.
    Now, Duart Castle is one of the best sightseeing spot in western Scotland, they have a tea room and shop for tourists, according to the Web site, we can stay at castle or have a wedding party! Check their HP, http://www.duartcastle.com/



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 630

  • Sligachan(2)

    Red Cuillin(10 May 2006)

    Glen Sligachanを挟んでBlack Cuillinの向かいにあるRed Cuillin。正式名称はThe Red Hillsと呼ばれる。花崗岩で構成されている複数の山が、スコットランドを代表する美しい景色を作り出す。
    Black Cuillinと同じくRed Cuillinもエールの名前に付けられ、日本でも知られているが最近は見かけることが少なくなった。モルトウィスキーがあれほど揃うのに英国産のビールが手に入らないとは・・・

    Red Cuillin is across Glen Sligachan from Black Cuillin. It’s called The Red Hills formally. There are some mountains which are mainly composed of granitic rock. I think Red Cuillin is one of the best view point in Scotland.
    Similarly Black Cuillin, Red Cuillin is named on bottle ale made in Isle of Skye. However, I can’t get it in Japan these days. It is easy to get most bottles of malt whisky, but really difficult to get British Ale in Japan.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 630

  • Sligachan(1)

    Black Cuillin(10 May 2006)

    Isle of Skyeの最高峰、Cuillin Hillはエールの名前にも付けられ、日本でも知られている。標高は992mで英国の中では高い方。
    私はスコットランドに初めて行った頃から、何を基準に”Ben”と”Hill”は区別されるのだろうか疑問に思っている。ヒュー・グラント主演の映画、”ウェールズの山“では1000フィート(約305m)以上は山となっていたがそれは1900年代初めのウェールズの話でイングランドの基準。スコットランドにはCuillin Hillより低い”Ben”はある。さて、その違いは・・・考え出すと夜も眠れない?

    Black Cillin, the highest mountain in Isle of Skye, is famous for the name of bottle ale in Japan. The height is 992m, if anything higher mountain in UK.
    I have had a question since I visited Scotland first time. What’s difference between “Ben” and “Hill” in Scotland? According to the movie “The Englishman”, mountain is more than 1000 feet. However it is the story of Wales in early 1900s and the standard of England. There are some “Hill” which is higher than “Ben” in Scotland.
    I still haven’t known about it.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 630