• カテゴリー別アーカイブ Speyside
  • Elgin(2)

    Linkwood Distillery(1 Nov 2001)


    It was the last day in Scotland. For me, it was my first trip to abroad and first trip to go to distilleries. There was enough time by the train to Aberdeen, so I went to Linkwood Distillery by walk.
    The way to distillery, I passed by the old farm and old bridge. When I arrived at Linkwood Distillery, I saw really beautiful malt kiln. I think malt kiln is the symbol of distillery.
    This tour started with the beautiful kiln in Strathisla Distillery and ended with the beautiful kiln in Linkwood Distillery.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 281

  • Dufftown(6)

    Parkmore Distillery (28 Oct 2001)

    Glendullan蒸留所からKeith-Dufftown Railwayを挟んだ向かい側に残るParkmore蒸留所。ウィスキーブームの真っ只中の1894年に創業された蒸留所はそのブームが過ぎ去った1931年に閉鎖されるという時代に翻弄された歴史を持つ。

    There is a ruins of old distillery, called Parkmore Distillery in Dufftown. It lies on the opposite side of Keith-Dufftown Railway from Glendullan Distillery. It was build in 1894, in the middle of the Whisky Boom in 1890s. And closed in 1931, after the finish of the boom. It has a history of making a fool by the boom.
    After the closing, warehouses had been used by other disttillers until 1980s because of massive capacity of warehouse.
    Most buildings are still remained and it looks like operational. Parkmore Distillery is described as “The most perfect survivor of the Whisky Boom in 1890s in distilleries”.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 281

  • Dufftown(5)

    Dufftown Distillery (29 Oct 2001)

    聖地、Dufftownの町の名をつけるDufftown蒸留所は南側のDullan Waterの辺の低地にある。1896年に出来たDufftownでは新しい蒸留所の部類に入る。

    As you know, Dufftown is the Whisky Capital, there are 7 distilleries in or around the town. Dufftown Distillery has the name of Whisky Capital, but it is rather a new distillery in Dufftown.
    Distillery had been repaired since 1960s. however they have had some old buildings of original distillery, include the malt kiln.
    When I visited the distillery, it was a rainy day. When I saw the Still House, the man saw the monitor of management system of disttiled spirits. They have a modern computer system.
    I’m a computer system engineer, though I don’t like a computer. But I’m really interested in the computer system of whisky distilleries.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 281

  • Dufftown(4)

    Glendullan Distillery (28 Oct 2001)

    Glendullan蒸留所はDufftownの町外れ、River Fiddichの辺にある。1898年に建てられた蒸留所は1962年に改修されたが1972年に同じ敷地内に全く別の蒸留設備を建築し、生産力の強化を行った。旧施設は1985年に生産がストップされ、現在は建物が残っているのみ。
    蒸留所への入り口はKirth-Dufftown Railwayの線路近く。観光シーズンも終わり鉄道も運行されておらず、日曜日ということもあって非常に静かだ。蒸留所へ向かって歩いていると突然左側の土手で物音がした。好奇心旺盛な子鹿が普段見慣れない物体を見物しにきたようだ。蒸留所の庭では野ウサギ達が鬼ごっこをしていた。久しぶりにのどかな風景を見た気がした。

    Glendullan Distillery lies on the outskirts of Dufftown, beside River Fiddich. It was built in 1898 and renovated in 1962. New distillery was build next to original distillery to boost production in 1972. Original distillery mothballed in 1985. Now some buildings of old distillery include Malt Kiln are remained.
    The entrance of road to distillery is near Kirth-Dufftown Railway. It was not operated today, so really quiet around here.
    I walked to distillery. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise on my left. It was a fawn. He would probably be interested in a stranger, and rabbits played tag in the garden of distillery.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 281

  • Craigellachie(2)

    Craigellachie Distillery (31 Oct 2001)

    Craigellachie蒸留所は町の高台にあり蒸留所からは美しいRiver Speyの風景を見ることができる、”Speyside”を実感できる蒸留所。
    1891年にWhite Horseの原酒確保のために同社の創業者、Peter Mackieによって建てられた。その後蒸留所はDewar’s社の所有となり、1998年よりバカルディ社の系列となっている。
    日本に帰ってから花と動物シリーズのボトルを探したが既に遅く、Highlander InnのBarで見たのが最後となった。今となってはその時に飲まなかったことを後悔している。サーモンが描かれたラベルが懐かしい。

    Craigellachie Distillery is on the hill of town and you can see a good view of River Spey from the distillery.
    It was build for making malt whisky which blend to White Horse Blended Whisky by Peter Mackie, the founder of White Horse Distillers. After that distillery is owned by John Dewar & Sons. It has been a part of Bacardi & Co since 1998.
    I looked for the bottle of Craigellachie Single Malt Whisky of Flora and Fauna Series when I came back to Japan but it was too late to got it. I saw it the last time at the bar of Highlander Inn in Craigellachie.
    I want to see the beautiful label which draw a sarmon of River Spey.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 281