Strongbox of Glen Grant Distillery(27 Oct 2001)
Glen Grant Gardenを流れるBlack Burnに沿って歩いていくと小さな古い金庫がある。これは創業者が散歩の時にウィスキーが飲めるようにグラスとボトルを入れていたと言われている。ウィスキーを飲む時に使った水はおそらく川の水。仕込み水で割る究極の水割りはとてもおいしいだろう。
You will see a old small strongbox when you walk along the Black Burn in Glen Grant Garden. This strongbox was made by founder of Glen Grant. He put a glass and a bottle of whisky in the strongbox because of drinking some whisky when he take a walk in the Garden. He would used water of Black Burn when he drank the whisky. It would be amazing whisky and water which made from whisky and mother water. It’s a ultimate whisky and water.
- カテゴリー別アーカイブ Speyside
Strathmill Distillery(26 Oct 2001)
Strathmill Distillery was established in 1891, one of the distilleries build during the Whisky Boom in the 19th. It was built from a converted corn mill and named Glenisla-Glenlivet.
However, the distillery was acquired by Gilbey’s, which is famous for gin, and renamed Strathmill in 1895. Now, Strathmill Distillery has been owned by UDV since 1962.
At that time when I visited Strathmill Distillery, they started to sell Strathmill single malt of Flora & Fauna bottle. But I don’t usually see that bottle at the whisky shop these days. It’s difficult to get Strathmill single malt whisky when I want to drink it.
Glen Keith Distillery(26 Oct 2001)
Glen Keith蒸留所は1957年創業の比較的新しい蒸留所。敷地には以前製粉工場が建てられていて、その跡地に建設された。当初よりウェアハウスはKeith Station近くにある集中熟成庫を使用することを前提に建設されたので蒸留所の敷地内にはウェアハウスの建物はない。また、その当時の最新技術をふんだんに使った近代的な蒸留所だった。
Glen Keith Distillery was established in 1957, relatively a recent distillery. The site was built a mill before Glen Keith Distillery was built. They don’t have warehouses in the site because of using the central warehouses of Chivas Brothers Co near Keith Station. When Glen Keith Distillery was built, it was installed some latest technologies which included gas direct fired potstills and computer management system for making whisky.
Originally, the distillery was designed for triple distillation process. It may be a experimental distillery for the whisky industry.
However, triple distillation process was suspended in 1970’s and some equipments was increased in 1987.
Now, Glen Keith Distillery has been mothballed since 2000.
Strathisla Distillery(26 Oct 2001)
Strathisla蒸留所の創業は1786年。18世紀半ばから発展してきた”New Town”と呼ばれるRiver Islaの東側の外れに建設された。現存するスペイサイドの蒸留所の中で最も古い。当初はMilltownまたはMiltonと呼ばれていた。これはKeithが当時、工場の町として発展していたのでそこから来ているのだろう。Alfred Barnardの著書ではMilton Distilleryと記述している。彼が訪れた19世紀末は当時としては近代的な蒸留所だった。でもその当時の様子を描いたイラストに、美しいキルンは無い。
Strathisla Distillery was established in 1786. It lies north east side of River Isla. And also it is known as the oldest distillery in Speyside.
When distillery was established, it was called “Milltown” or “Milton”. Because there were a lot of mills in Keith, they were main industries of Keith. Alfred Barnard described as “Milton Distillery” in his book. When he visited Milton Distillery, it was one of the modern distillery at that time. However they didn’t have a beautiful kiln in the illustration of distillery.
Distilleries vary the name and their style across the ages.
The Mysterious Distillery(31 Oct 2001)
バスターミナルから何とか予約したゲストハウスに辿り着いた私は荷物を置き、休憩もせずにGlen Moray蒸留所へ向かった。スコットランドの秋の太陽は既に西に傾いている。その太陽を追いかけるように線路に沿って西に向かう。
英語は全くと言っていいほど話すことが出来なかったが意を決して事務所の人に聞いてみることに。扉をノックし、対応してくれた女性にたどたどしい英語で尋ねると、古い蒸留所の建物らしいがいつの時代かわからないとのこと。名前を聞くと”Grain Store”と教えてくれた。
Finally, I arrived at the guesthouse I booked. In a second, I left my luggage and went to Glen Moray Distillery without break. The sun had gone west. I was walking west along railway like chasing the sun.
When I passed Elgin Station, I saw a malt kiln.
“Why, it’s too close. The distance between the town to Glen Moray Distillery is about 2km on the map. Really mysterious.”
That malt kiln was not Glen Moray Distillery. There is no building of distillery at the site near a crossing without the malt kiln and pigeons made nests in the kiln. Obviously, it wasn’t the operational distillery. It seemed to be a construction firm office and a place to put materials. I didn’t know about this distillery.
I wasn’t able to speak English, but I wanted to know about this distillery. I mustered up enough courage to ask to office staffs about distillery. So, the woman staff said that it seemed to be old distillery but she didn’t know when it was build and closed, and it was called “Grain Store”.
In UK, people continue to use old buildings, so there are some old warehouses and malt burns of distilleries. After I came back to Japan, I looked for information about that distillery. However I wasn’t able to find information. I think it may be a grain store as the name suggests or a flour mill, not a distillery, but the shape of pagoda roof is similar to the malt kiln which Charles C. Doig designed. It is shrouded in mystery.