• Craignure(2)

    Lighthouse on Eilean Msdile(19 Sep 2008)

    Lighthouse on Eilean Msdile

    オーバンからマル島のCraignureへ向かうフェリーで見える白いきれいな灯台。リズモア島の南西端にある灯台はEilean Msdileと呼ばれる小さな島の上に建つ。
    1527年にDuart Castleの城主が妻を殺そうとしたレディロック岩礁がすぐ近くにある。

    A white beautiful lighthouse to see by ferries from Oban to Craignure, Isle of Mull. The lighthouse at the south west end of Lismore Islands is built on a islet called Eilean Msdile.
    It was built in 1833 by Robert Stevenson. It would be very useful in the intricate and narrow channel of Inner Hebrides.
    It played a very important role during World War II, and it was said that the staff rescued the pilot who fell into the drink.
    The lighthouse was become unmanned in 1965, and it is a landmark of the ship to navigate there days.
    The skerry of Lady’s Rock, which the lord of Duart Castle was going to murder his wife in 1527, lies a short distance to the south west.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 974

  • Oban(6)

    Beautiful View at The McCaig's Tower(20 Sep 2008)

    Beautiful View of Oban

    スコットランド滞在の最終日夕方に天候が回復するなんて、雨男のパワー全開の今回のツアー。B&Bに戻る前に近くにあるMcCaig's Towerに立ち寄る。
    McCaig's Towerは港や鉄道駅が見渡せるとても眺めのいい場所。前回も来たけど町の東側からの眺めはここが一番いい。

    The weather improved in the evening on the last day of the stay in Scotland. My power of the rain bringer was very strong during the tour. Before returning to B&B, I stopped by the McCaig's Tower near the B&B.
    McCaig's Tower is good viewpoint, look over around a port and a train station. I think the best viewpoint from the east side of the town. I came here when I stayed in Oban last time.
    By the way, I will be in London tomorrow evening. I had only the last plan in Scotland to eat a dinner tonight.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 974

  • Tobermory(3)

    Where is a Treasure?(19 Sep 2008)

    Scenery of Tobermory

    1788年に英国の漁業協会(British Fisheries Society)によって漁港として創設されたトバモリー。しかしそれ以前から停泊地に適した地形で船の停泊地として使用されていたと思われる。

    Tobermory was founded in 1788 by British Fisheries Society. However, Tbermory Bay is a superb natural harbour, so it would be used as a anchorage of the ship before founded.
    A Spanish galleon ,which was a member of Spanish Armada and laden with gold, sank in Tobermory Bay by fire when Spanish Armada was defeated in 1588. It was investigated, but have not found.
    Treasure would lie somewhere at the bottom of Tobermory Bay?



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 974

  • Lochranza(3)

    The End of Isle of Arran Tour(17 Sep 2008)


    The ferry departed from Port Lochranza on time at 15:40. My first visit in Isle of Arran was just 100 minutes stay. I was able to stay more in Isle of Arran if the bus was not delayed. But I thought the plan staying at Campbeltown and visiting Isle of Arran might have been difficult.
    Should I have stayed at Isle of Arran overnight, or should I have come from Glasgow before going to Campbeltown?
    The ferry was navigated smoothly and Lochranza Castle was gradually become small.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 974

  • Campbeltown(9)

    Glen Nevis Distillery(17 Sep 2008)

    A warehouse of Glen Nevis Distillery

    Glen Nevis蒸留所は1877年に建設された町で2番目に新しい蒸留所でGlebe Street沿いに建てられた。創業者はCampbeltownのウィスキー産業を牽引してきたDuncan MacCallum。当時の最新式設備を導入し、効率よく生産ができる近代的な蒸留所だった。
    1887年にScotch Whisky Distillers Ltdに買収されたGlen Nevis蒸留所は、その会社が1889年に倒産した後、創業者であるDuncan MacCallumによって買い戻されたが、1896年にScotia蒸留所(現在のGlen Scotia蒸留所)を所有していたStewart Galbraith社によって買収された。そして多くのほかの蒸留所と同じように、1919年にWest Highland Malt Distillers社によって買収された。ウィスキーの製造は1923年に停止された。
    その後、Duncan MacCallumは1930年12月に、多くの蒸留所が水源としていたCrosshill Lochで謎の自殺を遂げた。
    Glen Nevis蒸留所は1936年にArdlussa蒸留所と共に新しい会社によって購入され、ウェアハウスだった建物にブレンドと瓶詰の工場が造られた。

    Glen Nevis Distillery was second newest distillery in Campbeltown, it was built along Glebe Street in 1877. The founder was Duncan MacCallum who led whisky industry of Campbeltown. The distillery was modern and produced efficiently, it had much modern equipments for the era.
    Glen Nevis Distillery was bought by Scotch Whisky Distillers Ltd in 1887 and bought back by Duncan MacCallum after Scotch Whisky Distillers went bankrupt in 1889. However, The distillery was bought by Stewart Galbraith, who owned Scotia Distillery(later Glen Scotia). After that, it was bought by West Highland Malt Distillers and closed in 1923, like so many other distilleries in Campbeltwn.
    Duncan MacCallum committed mysterious suicide in December 1930 at Crosshill Loch, where many distilleries in Campbeltown used as a water source.
    Glen Nevis Distillery was bought by a new company in 1936 with Ardlussa Distillery, which was next to Glen Nevis. Warehouses were converted to a blending and bottling plant.
    Today, the distillery site (including Ardlussa) is a yard of construction company and a part of the warehouses are remained.



    続きを読む 投稿 ID 974